Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 6, 2022

Ut Malum Pluvia shirt

  While I have never heard of him, doing a bit of reading suggest that he contributed greatly to the art of music. Also saw that his son died back in 2017. That's just heartbreaking. Best wishes to his family, friends, and fans through this trying time for them. Why are people acting like they knew he has been dead? His family just announced it today and thats why it was reported today. Yes he passed away in October but it wasn't public. He was respected so let people mourn. They may not have known him personally, but his music may have helped them. RIP MF DOOM. Being a information major student, such news about Apple,Google,Apps usually attracts my attention.In my opinion,the things Apple done was to protect there products.Because they have many manufactory in China.

Buy it here: Ut Malum Pluvia shirt
Ut Malum Pluvia s Sweater

Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 6, 2022

Sailor Moon I’m going to kill you on behalf of the moon water ice moon shirt

 You don't report on the heavy rain up in the northern territory, possible flooding. My father smoked in our home and vehicles my entire life. I’ve not smoked but I’ve always been around it until I became an adult. I have asthma and severe food and environmental allergies. My dad died of lung cancer along with stomach cancer and liver problems. What does that mean for my future I eat healthy, take care of myself but I can’t run or exert energy at all without using my xopenex inhaler. Drs want me to use a steroid inhaler as well but I won’t right now. I figure if I start it in my 30’s, what’ll be there to help me 20 years from now. I fear the 20 years I spent smoking my dads excess cigarettes will shorten my life. Don’t smoke around your kids or people that don’t smoke. That’s the least anyone can do. I’m afraid of my future as I know my lungs don’t work the way they should. My parents were smokers more so my dad when I was a child. As I got older an used to visit for around 3 wks at a time I've inhaled his excess smoke. 

Buy it here: Sailor Moon I’m going to kill you on behalf of the moon water ice moon shirt
Sail or Moon I'm going to kill you on behalf of the moon water ice moon s Ladies t-shirt

Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 6, 2022

30 Stephen Curry 44P 10R the legend signature thank you for the memories shirt

 Tommy Lascelles Given that I have worked with and socialized with devout Muslims who were accepting of their LGBTQ colleagues, I believe I am seeing the real world. In this real world, I also see men subverting various religions to justify their hateful beliefs. Catherine Jones McClarin France is not under Sharia and is chosing it's policies according to liberal Western culture. Who lives in France should adapt to it. Who doesn't agree can go back to their origin country or to any other country that condones religious involvement in legislation and common rules. those women are afraid and want to display the submission symbols of their Middle Ages beliefs. France is a secular country. There are Sharia countries where those illiberal behavior is not required. This is still Europe. 

Buy it here: 30 Stephen Curry 44P 10R the legend signature thank you for the memories shirt

Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 6, 2022

05 years 2016 2021 Lucifer signatures thank you for the memories shirt

 Saving money on wages is more important than your discomfort as they assume you will not go elsewhere for you will experience the same. For some it's a convenience, others a chore. Being human does not entitle you to empathy when profits are realised. There are not enough of us who can just say no and refuse to buy. It is time to accept that we are at their mercy and will receive none. Ignorant people who want to country to go back to the 1970s find them difficult to use even though they're very easy. Good for 90% of people in a country full of introvert. But replacing most of the staff so you don't have to pay as much on wages, even though you're profits are over 500m a year and grow each year, is just greed and nothing else. Gail Walmsley I am sure you'll find a country with politicians and an intelligence service with your high moral standings... have a nice trip.. oh and all the benefits you've had from said countries I'm sure you'll re-emburse the fianacial cost before you emigrate. Michael Eckstein What a ridiculous comment.

Buy it here: 05 years 2016 2021 Lucifer signatures thank you for the memories shirt
05 years 2016 2021 Lucifer signatures thank you for the memories s Sweater