Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 8, 2022

Why So Curious Joker George Parody shirt

 Help me out oh precious ones. if I want to go to a store and by an NWA album but the person in the store says “what does NWA mean?” Am I breaking some rule by telling them what that acronym means? She wears a mask "Free Speech" no one has stopped her from speaking, we simply don't agree with many of her statements. She has the freedom of speech and we also have the freedom not to agree to her speech. And Committees have the right not to accept a person that's not going to contribute to the betterment of the community. Sonia Tellez “we” don’t necessarily disagree, either. Maybe it should be put to vote by the people instead of the Democratic led House? 

Buy it here: Why So Curious Joker George Parody shirt
Why So Curious Joker George Parody s Ladies t-shirt

The Elephant Man’s Bones shirt

  Yes some make up, maybe curl or dye the hair but it's all removable, you can always go back to the start if something doesnt suit. Messing with your body or face, especially if you're already half way up the attractive ladder is just vanity. Can’t understand why pretty young females are so insecure that they paying to have lips grossly enhanced, ditto boobs ,eyebrows removed and tattooed on then Botox the face why? in 20/30 years is there going to be a cancer explosion we’re they have interfered with nature?! Tragic and so sad I hear that word almost daily in almost every song my employees listen too. Go tired of it so I blare my country music and now they give me hell for it.

Buy it here: The Elephant Man’s Bones shirt
The Elephant Man's Bones s Sweater

Un Verano Sin Ti Bad Bunny shirt

  the government could install solar panels in every household generating heat and electric from the sun but refuse to do so. Unfortunately here in Romania ,the price of electricity is 15 perecent higher in january comparing to december.Considering the cold winters from here, we pay half of our wages on heating bills which is almost unbearable.For ex our monthly wages are around 300 pounds and in december the bill for heating the house was 120 pounds,to understand how much we have to pay dùring winter months. Get used to it cos as were being forced into electric cars, which have a bigger carbon footprint than a modern diesel being run for ten years btw, then more and more power stations need to be built.

Buy it here: Un Verano Sin Ti Bad Bunny shirt
Un Verano Sin Ti Bad Bunny s Tank-top

Who drink Arnorl Palmer photo shirt

 Energy companies are private owned a lot by foriegn investors..they arnt going to loose out their share owners wouldnt like it...however if the govenment bought a couple of gas and electic companies we would have a fair choice..govenment companies could be non profit making..otherwise we must all move over to companies using green energy..and all new builds should have air pumps, solar panels or ground source heat...other wise we will never save our planet. Rising wholesale costs? Of what exactly? Oil is at its lowest price ever, staff are working from home in the customer call center sides of things so less overheads with regards to building and insurance etc.

Buy it here: Who drink Arnorl Palmer photo shirt
Who drink Arnorl Palmer photo s Ladies t-shirt

Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 8, 2022

Work Hard Pray Harder shirt

 For instance, the population density in Vancouver is 5,493 per km and London is 5,701. Anton Potgieter and you don't think Japans lack of testing and probably understating deaths has nothing to do with our low numbers? The government has been very lax in testing. It's gotten a little better but even now you need to wait until you have had a fever for 3 days to get a test. Rio Clarke Agreed. Also, there is too much focus on actual figures but not per centage of population. Israel have been lauded for doing a lot of vaccinations and I applaud that but they have only done 41% of a population of 9 million. That's less than 4 million people. The UK has done 15 million out of a population of 66 million. So we have vaccinated almost 4 times as many people! Well done us! why would that be then surly judging on the past and being bitter isn’t helping any one but changing the future will and providing a great vaccine service to the people is what we need now, not people with the privilege of hindsight saying things should of been done better. 

Buy it here: Work Hard Pray Harder shirt
Work Hard Pray Harder s Ladies t-shirt

20 Rafael Nadal Gland Slam photo shirt

  I was born in England but brought to Australia as a child, and very grateful that my parents did that! Here you all.are complaining about how a country that DOES have some of its population vaccinated while there are still some 143 or so countries with no one vaccinated. Be happy your government is trying to protect you at all. Your life could be so much worse than it is now. You could also be in fear of contracting Ebola AND covid-19.  Denise Dunkley Best look to your provincial leaders then. The federal government procured the vaccines and they were distributed to the provinces based on population(I live in Manitoba). And from there each individual province decided how and who and when they would get the vaccine. Manitoba hasn’t done particularly well with the roll out but are improving. 

Buy it here: 20 Rafael Nadal Gland Slam photo shirt
20 Rafael Nadal Gland Slam photo s Ladies t-shirt

They Live Horror Movie Halloween shirt

  My mother died suddenly in the US on 2 Jan, and because I could not travel home due to COVID, I began calling my elderly father frequently. O2 charged £3/min for calls, totalling £1500 in just three weeks. Had I had an international bolt-on, it would have been £3/month + £0.02/min. As an O2 customer for more than 10 years, my bills never exceeded £40/month. Tried to get help from customer service/payments, but was tossed around, promised return calls that never came, and eventually offered £200 towards the bill. No text or flag that these charges were occurring, and was told I should have known better. Appreciate that I have some responsibility to investigate, but I just wanted to talk to my dad. O2, you should be ashamed of this price-gouging during these extraordinary times.

Buy it here: They Live Horror Movie Halloween shirt
They Live Horror Movie Halloween s Sweater

Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 8, 2022

Thick Thighs Witch Vibes Halloween shirt

 Another issue, i was 21ish when Britney first got big & i was always uncomfortable with the 'sexy school girl' thing. I thinķ it is dangerous to potray underage children in this way. And the obsession with britney's virginity- wrong on so many levels! Her x who is not a catch has custody and the judge apparently feels she needs someone to help her look after her finances . Not everyone is against her perhaps people Feel that she really needs the help and they’re trying to protect her by keeping things private. I saw her perform in Manchester about three years ago. I didn't realise that she was going through this. She looked very uncomfortable & there was a guy watching her every move from one side of the stage... If she was at the front he'd be there, she would move to the back of the stage & there he would go. All the show he was 'keeping an eye on her'. It was bizarre to watch. I wish I'd not gone as have a sense of guilt that I've been part of her father's machine. Why is no one blaming the family here? 

Buy it here: Thick Thighs Witch Vibes Halloween shirt
Thick Thighs Witch Vibes Halloween s Ladies t-shirt

Zombies are my Friends Halloween shirt

  If she’s capable of making all the dosh then she’s capable of making her own decisions, possibly with some support but without being treated as an imbecile by her family. I hope the documentary helps her to get on with her life, her way. We just love to put people on a pedestal only to kick them off on a whim. This article starts with 'Everybody's talking all this stuff about me. Why don't they just let me live?' without a acknowledging that this was a cover version of a song released in 1988 by a man and the media were as bad then as they were when Britney recorded it and indeed now. To answer the BBC's question, whether the documentary will be a moment of reckoning for celeb media?! Really? should Caroline Flack taking her life a year ago not have been? Or the treatment countless other celebs / members of royal family over years not be? Something needs to be done, but nothing will change unless laws change

Buy it here: Zombies are my Friends Halloween shirt
Zombies are my Friends Halloween s Ladies t-shirt

Sometimes I get road rage walking behind people in the grocery store shirt

 Although I believe she still needs guidance and support I think her mother is better placed to help her by giving her freedom on her own financial affairs. Her father seems like a control freak. I hope she gets to tell her own story one day. I really think at the time of her breakdown she was suffering from PND FFS she had two babies very close together. That in itself is huge pressure without being press ganged every move! Luke Collins Better to learn from your mistakes and make a stand against injustice rather than stay silent. I, too, made fun of Britney Spears but I was a child and couldn’t grasp the full concept of what was happening. I want the best for her either way. Luke Collins Most of the people that are supporting her, myself included, were children in the 2010s when it happened, so we had no idea what the adults were joking about. 

Buy it here: Sometimes I get road rage walking behind people in the grocery store shirt
Sometimes I get road rage walking behind people in the grocery store s Ladies t-shirt

My time behind the wheels is over but being a Trucker never ends shirt

   Yep I was left in aggony for over 8 months not being able to eat went from almost 16 stone down to just over 10 where I couldn't eat and wouldn't proscribe any form of pain relief what so ever spend upto 5 days awake at a time because pain both sides and past from pillow to post over 300 calls to so called health care professionals that couldn't give a hoot about anything just say nothing can be done. Sure the the same in other Covid effected Countries. Might be better in Countries where it's own Nationals are more willing to be members of their Health services. Unlike to majority of UK Nationals. If there had been more staff Nightingale centres would be up and running. Im asthmatic, and since2019 asthma got worse and was referred for a spitology test my app was march last yr but got cancelled due to pandemic received phine call nov saying if we can arrange it so you come but stay in car is that ok i said yes as get out if breathe quiet quick im still waiting now.

Buy it here: My time behind the wheels is over but being a Trucker never ends shirt

My time behind the wheels is over but being a Trucker never ends s Sweater

Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 8, 2022

Supreme Leader Wun Dum Fuc shirt

 Your narrative doesn't dictate reality lol. Enjoy your freedoms! Hopefully they don't kill ya! other vaccines stop the spread in society, so this is how they protect those who can’t have a vaccine, but this ‘vaccine’ is not known to stop the spread, so it makes no difference to those who can’t have the vaccine, their situation doesn’t change. The vaccine improves your chances of not being hospitalised should you catch the virus, and that is it. Kimberley Hazel bye having the vaccine it does not protect people who carnt have the vaccine these vaccines do not stop you getting the virus and they do not stop you transmitting the virus to other people so to protect people from the virus you would need to create a vaccine that stops you contracting the virus and also stops the virus being transmitted. Marcela Escanilla Manfredini research began in 2003 during the SARs-CoV-1 outbreak and from the beginning of 2020 almost unlimited funds and resources have been made available to develop a vaccine to combat the SARs-CoV-2 virus.

Buy it here: Supreme Leader Wun Dum Fuc shirt
Supreme Leader Wun Dum Fuc s Sweater

The Life of Weed shirt

  Unfortunately I signed that form thinking I was doing good - she only had 1st injection thank god! Unfortunately I believed the HSE about how good it was but they hold back the patient information leaflet from you where the real information is. Julie Morris you can't compare that at all. It took years to test them first and they weren't against viruses. Vaccine like this one was never done before, never by this method and also animal trials weren't ever skipped before like now with Covid vaccine. It's very naive to think the Covid vaccine is going to be efficient while old vaccines we got as children have 100% efficiency. Julie Morris the thing is that all of those vaccines were not produced in a hurry but were tested over some years before being given to the public. Despite all that, there are still people like me, & my son, who reacted very badly to the triple antigen injection. So, I certainly questioned the value of them all. 

Buy it here: The Life of Weed shirt
The Life of Weed s Sweater

Twenty One Pilots shirt

 You should be ashamed of yourself. We vaccinate children at 8,12,16 weeks and also at 1yr and 3yr 4months, flu vaccines yearly then boosters at teenage as well as HPV. All of these vaccines would have been tested on children prior to introducing to our routine immunisation schedule. This needs to be tested. This is our time to save lives from Covid-19. This is good news! Laney Fitzpatrick I am glad that you explained it well. As a medical consultant and an ex-COVID hospitalised patient, I have volunteered to studies myself. Today, I spoke to my 15 years old, he read the papers and is willing to get himself on trials. He contacted them but Unfortunately, they are only taking participants from London, Thames Valley, Bristol and Southampton areas and we live in Essex. Laney Fitzpatrick well put! Unfortunately,my Mum was frightened by antivax scaremongering in the 70s and as such,declined my Whooping Cough vaccine.

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Twenty One Pilots s Ladies t-shirt

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 8, 2022

Women are like Bacon we look good smell good taste good and we’ll slowly kill you shirt

 Dems have to be careful what they wish for because the truth will destroy them completely instead of Trump. Myanmar military is committing crimes against humanity around the nation especially in big cities like Yangon and Mandalay. Every night, they enter the houses without permission from residents, without an arrest warrant and arrest the civilian such as Union Election Committee members from each township, doctors and health workers who supporting CDM (Civil Disobedience Movement), and other activists. Sometimes, they even release criminal prisoners to fight the people who peacefully protesting against the military coup. We seek the help from UN Human Rights Council, UN, US, UK, EU and International Community. Mitch McConnell has shown himself to to be a very honest and upstanding not to mention outstanding American citizen, unlike the wanna be dictator and leader of the Republican party who is leading some less upstanding people in America to insurrection and loving it.

Buy it here: Women are like Bacon we look good smell good taste good and we’ll slowly kill you shirt
Women are like Bacon we look good smell good taste good and we'll slowly kill you s Sweater

Will Trade sister for a Candy Halloween shirt

 Later, while interviewing a Democrat who was speaking strongly against Trymp, James not only allowed her to speak uninterrupted but also joined her in speaking negatively about Donald Trump. I think that is an unethical journalism. A journalist is supposed to be unbiased snd not mum and shut down people from free speech. Very disturbing! Doesn't matter what they do....Republicans made their decision before the trial started. His lawyers could say trump was guilty...trump could admit his guilt...outcome would be the same. His "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" monkeys will acquit him. Sad sad sad. If Republicans have already said that they plan to aquit, before even hearing the evidence then this is not a real trial. How can the world take the USA seriously when you refuse to hold your ex president to account. It doesn't say much about your judicial system and unfairly represents most of you to the rest of the world.

Buy it here: Will Trade sister for a Candy Halloween shirt
Will Trade sister for Candy Halloween s Sweater

Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 8, 2022

NB Naan Bread shirt

 Having had Covid I can assure you that Covid is a much more unnecessary illness compared to a vaccine that is able to reduce risk of serious illness and make our immune system much more effective a lot more safely compared to contracting and fighting a live disease. Reece Moate Considering all the money and resources that have been thrown at developing these vaccines by governments and pharmaceutical companies all over the world (funding being the main issue why vaccines can take years to develop) yet still following the same procedures and safety precautions as other vaccines not much of a point here is there. Noreen Ryan so what you’re saying is they pick kids with stupid parents to be in the trial. Unlike you, I’m sure you consider yourself to be more qualified than every other parent out there. 

Buy it here: NB Naan Bread shirt
NB Naan Bread s Sweater

Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 8, 2022

This Machine Kills Fascists shirt

 Sometimes, they even release criminal prisoners to fight the people who peacefully protesting against the military coup. We seek the help from UN Human Rights Council, UN, US, UK, EU and International Community. Sometimes I looked for my grandmother's gods, today two crows came to my home they stayed and they flew when I captured their video/photo then I posted it on a face book. Crow by habit represented the old B.General Samora Unuse, I new it then they introduced how I am big, after times they changed the benifts to Berazile, they impowred Sehene Zeleke she took the advantage if it is a sell or buy, health , education , money , abroad chance.

Buy it here: This Machine Kills Fascists shirt
This Machine Kills Fascists s Sweater

ZZ Top Viva Las Vegas 53 years 1969 2022 signatures thank you for the memories shirt

 Why did pentagon change policy the day before the event and tell capitol police they could not have riot gear or guns out? Why were they unprepared when FBI told them a riot was likely? Why did they tell congress they were prepared when they were not? and why didnt extra police respond right away as it was clear the people were breaking windows and it was getting out of control. Why did they refuse help? Why did 2 capitol police commit suicide. Guilty conscience? Were some of the cops in on the plan? Have to admit. This hole thing has lost me. A political trial is different to a criminal one? Surely political ppl have laws to follow and if they break them there should be a procedure in place.

Buy it here: ZZ Top Viva Las Vegas 53 years 1969 2022 signatures thank you for the memories shirt
ZZ Top Viva Las Vegas 53 years 1969 2022 signatures thank you for the memories s Ladies t-shirt

The Orioles Abbey road signatures shirt

 You will look in vain for it because that defence counsel has not had genuine moral reaction to anything it seems in a very long time. There is nothing genuine there but bad faith. The defence claims contempt and acts contemptuous towards elected Democrats. Trump himself is much the same, he prefers Kim Jong Un and Putin to other leaders who are actually from the free world. To top it all off, a genuine jury of 12 good men and true would find Trump Guilty as charged. Instead the climax of this sham of an impeachment will be a political decision and vote that will be made to feather a nest with political point scoring. It will have nothing to do so with justice and will leave the evil man who incited violence free to continue. I cannot have respect for the America I see here. 

Buy it here: The Orioles Abbey road signatures shirt
The Orioles Abbey road signatures s Sweater

Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 8, 2022

What the Fuck does Kyle Petty got to do with this shirt

  Finding an uninformed person to make this statement and then using it as a headline is exactly why the bbc no longer has any credibility. A child is a million times more likely to die from being run over on the way to school than from covid. What states in the US have lockdowns? I have friends in several states and they don't know what 'learning from home' means. Schools are open, shops bars are also open. Yes they wear masks in the shops, but that's all. Florida - you don't even need masks (apart from Miami). Point taken, the BBC disapproves of Modi's governance. This applies to virtually everything, on every topic it is possible to tell what the political positioning of the BBC is. That's why everything is served as partial and manipulative propaganda instead of honest journalism, it would be impossible not to. I think the problem here is your lack of English comprehension skills if you think that the BBC "disapproves" of Modi's government.

Buy it here: What the Fuck does Kyle Petty got to do with this shirt
What the Fuck does Kyle Petty got to do with this s Sweater

When she suckin on you’re nuts and you a Gangster shirt

 They opened schools because "kids need social activities" but then cancelled social activities and kept classrooms (no distancing possible) as kids rotated in and out of quarantine. Except the football team, they finished the season even though half of the cases at the school directly linked to the football team. Teams are playing now, cases were spiking (finally slowing), no one really takes safety seriously, teachers are finally eligible for the vaccine (but few have been able to get it), and the whole thing is a mess. I finally pulled my daughter out of public school and we are homeschooling her final year. It was necessary for her mental health. Most Republican areas have been back to school for 8 month , the Democratic areas haven't because Biden said they weren't safe , not surprised they are cautious , was Biden lying saying they weren't safe , seems strange his change of mind just 4 weeks into his fraudulent presidency good luck Joe , 

Buy it here: When she suckin on you’re nuts and you a Gangster shirt
When she suckin on you're nuts and you a Gangster s Ladies t-shirt

Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 8, 2022

Snowmobile Things shirt

 I can go back to Heath their all the same! Another method of the rich getting richer by moving out of London and purchasing houses in the country whilst still being able to commute easily the ancient woodland cannot be replaced once it has been destroyed and all in the name of 'progress. it only seems to benefit the rich also, once the cheap property has been bought the prices will go up and locals will no longer be able to afford to remain in the area due to the escalating prices. Nothing to be proud of at all! The money could have been spent of reconnecting existing closed lines all over the country which would have been far more beneficial for everyone! Not just the south east and the midlands. Devon struggles immensely with holiday traffic and reopened railways would help to make it easier to travel here on holiday plus remove hundreds of cars off the roads. Very sad millions if not billions just to get to other end 15 minutes earlier why ? 

Buy it here: Snowmobile Things shirt
Snowmobile Things s Ladies t-shirt

Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 8, 2022

Your Mom Sigmund Freud shirt

  They are the lungs of the planet and they used to expel water and hot air into outer space from earth and kept the earths temperature steady. There should be urgent action taken to replant them again. Let’s take the value out of the equation, money has no value on a planet that has no life. Mr rich man/woman go do some math on that and then come back to the table with a offering. Stop using money as a means to sorting this out. People are waiting, people help they get a set yearly expenses, oh sorry you prefer to give it for free. When rubbish becomes the money it has value, look at recycled metal value. Come on we really have knumb nuts leading this pathetic direction we’re heading in. 1964 governments are told by scientists Climate Change is dangerous. Politicians ignore the warnings, now climate change events are happening. 

Buy it here: Your Mom Sigmund Freud shirt
Your Mom Sigmund Freud s Sweater

Summer Danhausen very hot very humid shirt

 Absolutely Nothing! The decision to go green was a huge mistake so many states are making! Believing the global warming lie has left many out in the Cold! The sun is in its cooling stage so for the next TEN years we will experience Colder winters! We need Coal, Natural gas and Oil to keep warm in the winter and cool in the summer! Solar and wind has shown Not to be Effective to supply the power needed! What we should be demanding from senator Cruz is to push for drilling and Keeping our power on! Thank you Senator Cruz for your hard work and dedication! Democrats are haters and hate the fact that Senator Cruz stands up for the Constitution and the American people! He stands in the way of their Socialist Liberal agenda! Wake up with all the evil deeds done by Democrats how many have they punish?

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Summer Danhausen very hot very humid s Sweater​​​​​​​

When life knocks me down Jesus picks me up shirt

  He added, “Widespread asymptomatic testing could undermine the value of testing, as there is a risk of giving misleading results. Rather, only people with covid-19 symptoms should get tested.” The comments were made as the government expanded mass testing of asymptomatic people after a pilot scheme in Liverpool and announced a further rollout of widespread testing in schools. Swabs are used both for PCR tests and for rapid tests that have been deployed by the government for mass testing in Liverpool and care homes and do not need to be sent to a laboratory for results. One of the main rapid tests used is the Innova Lateral Flow SARS-CoV-2 antigen test, which involves a self-administered swab. However, data released from the Liverpool pilot programme showed that this test detected just 48.89% of covid-19 infections in asymptomatic people when compared with a PCR test. 

Buy it here: When life knocks me down Jesus picks me up shirt
When life knocks me down Jesus picks me up s Ladies t-shirt

Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 8, 2022

Hocus Pocus regulators mount up Vintage shirt

 Saying to them not choose death and live optimistically, is not practical and will not solve their problems. They need financial and psychological support, but I doubt the japanese government will do anything to put an end to this tragedy. It is within their social normes that vulnerable people are responsible for their weaknesses and failures so they are left on their owns . It is not a Japanese unique belief but rather widely widespread. It is very very sad news from Japan. As a industry employee we have applied their philosophy every day and those mankind applications and very interesting for a Quality of the whole things in a day to day life. We pray for Japan people to overcome from that hard time. I have attempted suicide. It is rough it is impulsive, it is scared and desperate. I feel for the families, for those that took their lives, but most importantly,

Buy it here: Hocus Pocus regulators mount up Vintage shirt
Hocus pocus regulators mount up vintage s Sweater

Twilight Edward Cullen photo shirt

 luckely it didn't work she had her stomach pumped and she went on to meet the one of our friends.they have been very happily married for nie on 40 please anyone who is thinking this is the only option there is more. In 1988, my 27-year-old Japanese fiancée, who already had a Ph.D. and was just months away from completing her M.D., jumped from our 18th-floor apartment in NYC while I was temporarily working as a postdoc at CERN in Geneva. Although a nearly full-page picture of her appeared on the cover of the New York Post (which I was shocked to see on the subway when I was quickly on my way back to New York), the NYT (rightly) ignored the story until, probably because of the Post's and perhaps other media publicity, there was an increase in likely copycat suicides among other young female undergraduates in the NYC area, also jumping from buildings.

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Twilight Edward Cullen photo s Sweater

Vecna Hellfire Club shirt

  The countryside is different, but the places where the work conditions are the worst is also the most isolated area, many unmarried live alone. In Japan it is also common for old people to die alone in their apartments and sometimes no one will know until the body smells. It's an extremely isolating place to be and I then pair it with people becoming more isolated than ever with covid-19. In addition, statistically here in Japan women are getting laid off disproportionately more than men because of societal expectations and many of these women are unmarried and live alone and then are essentially flung into poverty with no way out. It's a huge issue and it's not talked about enough but it's no wonder here in Japan are commiting suicide at such a high rate. I wish the government would address it as it's affecting the youth and young adults in Japan the hardest, and they are the future of this country.

Buy it here: Vecna Hellfire Club shirt

Vecna Hellfire Club s Sweater

Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 8, 2022

Regulate Dick not Jane shirt

 Parents loves her child to protect him , be a parts of caring & patients of all lifes understanding leads us to teach to pray in God , gives time to read a Holy Bible,,.blssed urday on post & video being seeung Great from philippines in God mssges.un you loves u always Fides Patulot , services in god kindness.hopilly God will. Parents loves her child to protect him , be a parts of caring & patients of all lifes understanding leads us to teach to pray in God , gives time to read a Holy Bible,,.blssed urday on post & video being seeung Great from philippines in God mssges.un you loves u always Fides Patulot , services in god kindness.​​​​​​​

Buy it here:  Regulate Dick not Jane shirt    

Regulate Dick not Jane s Ladies t-shirt

Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 8, 2022

Stubborn Husky tricks shirt

 We have since had to get things that ran on batteries not electricity, more blankets in the house. Thank goodness we did because they have come in handy these last 2 weeks. The Lord is also going to come suddenly as a thief in the night. Just. like the ten virgins, five had their lamps trimmed and ready to meet the Bridegroom, but five were not. Be ye prepared!  Smh it amazes me how people who haven’t suffered through this think the homeowners could have done something different. They shouldnt have lost power for that long to their homes. Ercot and electric companies fault. Thank God i didnt and the temps were 0 and 5 degrees outside. I live in northern Ontario, Canada, where we often have -40c in February. I absolutely, 100% feel for those people. 

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Stubborn Husky tricks s Sweater