Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 8, 2022

This Machine Kills Fascists shirt

 Sometimes, they even release criminal prisoners to fight the people who peacefully protesting against the military coup. We seek the help from UN Human Rights Council, UN, US, UK, EU and International Community. Sometimes I looked for my grandmother's gods, today two crows came to my home they stayed and they flew when I captured their video/photo then I posted it on a face book. Crow by habit represented the old B.General Samora Unuse, I new it then they introduced how I am big, after times they changed the benifts to Berazile, they impowred Sehene Zeleke she took the advantage if it is a sell or buy, health , education , money , abroad chance.

Buy it here: This Machine Kills Fascists shirt
This Machine Kills Fascists s Sweater

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