Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 6, 2022

Sailor Moon I’m going to kill you on behalf of the moon water ice moon shirt

 You don't report on the heavy rain up in the northern territory, possible flooding. My father smoked in our home and vehicles my entire life. I’ve not smoked but I’ve always been around it until I became an adult. I have asthma and severe food and environmental allergies. My dad died of lung cancer along with stomach cancer and liver problems. What does that mean for my future I eat healthy, take care of myself but I can’t run or exert energy at all without using my xopenex inhaler. Drs want me to use a steroid inhaler as well but I won’t right now. I figure if I start it in my 30’s, what’ll be there to help me 20 years from now. I fear the 20 years I spent smoking my dads excess cigarettes will shorten my life. Don’t smoke around your kids or people that don’t smoke. That’s the least anyone can do. I’m afraid of my future as I know my lungs don’t work the way they should. My parents were smokers more so my dad when I was a child. As I got older an used to visit for around 3 wks at a time I've inhaled his excess smoke. 

Buy it here: Sailor Moon I’m going to kill you on behalf of the moon water ice moon shirt
Sail or Moon I'm going to kill you on behalf of the moon water ice moon s Ladies t-shirt

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