Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 8, 2021

Corn beans and squash the patriarchy shirt

  The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world. Through its National Digital Library (NDL) Program, is also one of the leading providers of noncommercial intellectual content on the Internet. The NDL Program's flagship American Memory project, in collaboration with 36 institutions nationwide, makes freely available millions of American historical items.  This Valentine's Day, the American Folklife Center requests wartime love letters for the Library of Congress collection of veterans' oral histories through the Veterans History Project. the Society of American Archivists, the American Legion and other veterans groups-participate in the project. AARP is the founding sponsor of the project. Joseph J. "Jerry" Brenner of Columbia, Md., submitted 1,261 letters and v-mails sent between him and his wife, Norma, between December 1943 and December 1945. His letter dated June 6, 1944, from Camp Forrest, Tenn., reads, "At last it's started. We heard the news this morning and we haven't done much more than cluster around all available radios all day It's 10 to 9 and we are all going to listen to the President speak at 9 o'clock. The great news has raised my hopes considerably. I feel sure that this nightmare will soon be done with. 

Buy it here: Corn beans and squash the patriarchy shirt
Corn beans and squash the patriarchy s Sweater

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