Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 9, 2023

Yogscast Academy Est 2008 shirt

  I'm a computer programmer are you going to try to program a software just so you can do something but not understand the programming behind it no you're going to find a programmer that will either help you with the code or make the code for you that's why they're specialist in each industry same goes with humanity we don't have the questions to humanity that is the purpose of our life is to discover why we are here it is not to go out and have somebody give you the answers directly you need to search yourself you need to search your faith you need to search your life and decide why you were put on this Earth nobody's going to tell you why you were put on this Earth

 Buy it here: Yogscast Academy Est 2008 shirt
Yogscast Academy Est 2008 s Sweater

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