Remember Boris Bus! Saving £350m to spend on the NHS! Oh, come on, what is wrong with spending a ridiculous amount of money to get ready to close your borders with the largest free-market area in the world right after the economy has been brought on its knees by a global pandemic? our culture has become sneering at other cultures and pretending we’re better than everyone else, I don’t want any part of ‘our culture’ just change flags, labels, documents stamps cost more than that. Is very easy to lie to racist, they want to believe anything. oh, and how much to rebrand an airplane? That was another £1,000,000 you don't have to be proud you have the freedom to say what you want. It's our culture to allow you these privileges what culture? Curry's ice creams and Fish and chips, leaving litter on crowded beaches. The British population is proving to be a majority of self-entitled bigots right now.
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Some of us Grew up whatching General Hospital the cool ones still do shirt
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