Or at least pretend. Did anyone think he would practice what he preached? Yes, he will wear the mask when the virus is ravaging the US. Because he doesn't want what you had. Because he is a hypocrite. Because nationalism isn't the Trump way. Is this man really President of the United States or am I living in a nightmare! This is pretty much equivalent to spotting a UFO at your backyard That's a mask or his underwear? He should just wear a bag over his head day late and a dollar short with 3 million cases and 135,000+ dead! All on him. Sorry, guys in the USA, you have a fascist administration and a completely racist president. Bulling parents to send their children to school. Ugh, that s what he has done with us. Your allies and friends. Now you are feeling the heat of this disgraceful administration yourselves would be better wearing a gag, he didn't!
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