Such sad news. When they got £300 a week. Went for a pint after the game sporting greats. Never forgotten gone fishing. RIP Sporting legend. My Mom always said that he & Bobby were her distant cousins & pointed them out whenever they were on the telly, " EEE LOOK COUSIN BOBBY/JACKIE! "Never got to see him play football live however he was a regular on tv in my youth, various programs even a fishing program believe always seemed a genuine bloke no bs with him. Don't quite know you much but I believe you were a revelation to football world To a great player may you rest in peace and my thoughts are with the family. A real Legend and True Gentlemen. Condolences to his family and friends Rest in Peace Jack.xYou have to honor a man whose legacy is one of love and respect. May he rest peacefully. Great player RIP from Algeria R.I.P Jack Charlton.
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