I’m saying on a personal level if it was between losing my job and not getting the virus. And getting it and keeping my job. I’d choose to get it. You won’t see me around for long if I lose my livelihood. Chances are I’d live if I got the virus as I said thinking of self only Shane Passafaro Brad Allen right because they’re not your dead family members. Great attitude. Know what? They might be your relatives. Sleep tight. Ad Medhurst Sometimes facts are bizarre, but what can you do oh they do - but the general rule of thumb in ethics is that the weaker group are shielded by the stronger - whole basis of UK health care system, etc If I had dead family members because of the virus I still wouldn’t block out the bigger picture. Some people would have everyone lose their jobs, everyone to go homeless, see the economy in the worst position in its history till we have a vaccine, and yet another person that wants to try and shame people like Brad into thinking differently.
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