Its the many hundreds you've met put me off lol but I don't blame you have a good time there is no second wave, just a first wave that wasn't controlled, don't you think it's more than a coincidence that the places with 'second waves' all had 'low' numbers and give themselves a pat on the back for doing so well when in reality their numbers were manipulated to make them look goodIt took 1 person to start this, no one can tell me 1 person cant start it again? we've been seeing it in the states, yet still sending planes back and forth. Correct, there is no second wave yet where I am everything is back to some sort of normality there are even fans at football games, the countries been open for business for 6 weeks now and no outbreaks and about 2% of the UK's death tollJun Mar Prado wow I'm a November born too I'd love to spend my birthday there tooJun Mar Prado oh really.
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