Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 10, 2021

50% Air 50% Water Technically the glass is completely full shirt

  I suppose its interesting that now we are doing the exact opposite of countries who take collective responsibility. We are selfish. Steve Haskey regardless of what the government says I always wear a mask and am constantly using the sanitising gels provided in shops if I go out but I Don’t understand why it seems more people don't do it than do. Steve Haskey I never understood the anti-mask thing. I understand resisting lockdowns because they cause serious harm and it's hard to weigh one harm against the other. But wearing a mask costs me nothing, doesn't even inconvenience me and it can help reduce transmission and harm to others. I can get on with my normal life with one little bit of fabric. No more faff than remembering a scarf/umbrella. Lorraine C Hall this is a common tactic - send someone huge documents asking them to 'do their research'. Checking the source is a pretty important filter.

Buy it here: 50% Air 50% Water Technically the glass is completely full shirt
50% Air 50% Water Technically the glass is completely full s Sweater

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