No, really, all the young people were required to spend a certain amount of money and the amount you had to spend was lowered as you got older. Hmm, that doesn't ring a bell. The one I'm thinking of is from the 60s, and it's got a lot of multiverse-type stuff going on, like various alternate realities, etc. It's been more than a decade since I last read it, so my memory isn't great would just wire transfer it to my investments. That's pretty smart. It will help the economy and give it a boost directly trough the customer would pay my mortgage weekly! Trust me, it would be spent. And I would very much appreciate it and spend it.I wish he was the speaker of the house, and boot Nancy out the way he and his billionaire buddies could fund that. And they would get the money back from the sales their companies would make. but if they take it from taxpayer money and force us to spend it all, that's taxpayer money funneling directly into the pockets of billionaires.
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