Not knowing who was entering their house while you have loved ones in there grow a brain and get a clue they did announce themselves that was in the grand jury testimony maybe if you stopped watching CNN You would be able to read the testimony and think for yourself her boyfriend shot first. They returned fire. She was in the hallway and not in bed like it’s been reported. She knew what her boyfriend was doing. There is just too much surveillance on her and her boyfriend to not think she knew. She wasn’t the main player but she was involved.All they had to do is wait for them to come outside. It would have been so much easier and so much safer. thank you for the info and while before reading this I have an idea of what happened and I've been in situations where drugs were being run sold right in front of me I never had anything to do with all they had to do is wait outside for them to come out and arrest them in a peaceful manner.

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