Did y'all notice Joe took a knee again! I'm so sick of him! Kevin Wilhite A single man? That is sad. When Trump shows up he gets a crowd of at least 20 protesters. Cory Kugelman and? Are you also 12, like the guy heckling him from a truck? Losers. Better get used to delivering those pizzas Is that all you've got? Your riots and protests may break our bones but your names will win the election! TRUMP 2020 GET USED TO IT! trump would come with catering van When Joe shows up that’s plenty of pizza for him, his guards, and the fire chief I didn’t see the true firefighters oh wait they were at a Trump rallyKosta, Trump would have called ahead to ask what toppings and if they wanted extra cheese! He definitely would have had the delivery driver in his caravan because he wasn’t going to ride across town with hot pizza on his lap.
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