Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 9, 2020

See you again Fast and Furious 20 years 2001 2021 signatures thank you for the memories shirt

 I will never see the fires of hell as I have been saved through the blood of Christ. Don’t respond with your pathetic attempt to justify yourself for it’s The Lord you need to fear, which you clearly do not be careful using God like that. Thus say the Lord is not a tool for you to use as your own personal opinion. How many Americans have died of Covid19 due to the poor handling of this pandemic by Trump? He was not elected to make the middle east great Again though. It's for the image of his election campaign here we go again, think for yourself if you have the capacity to do so its not Pres Trumps fault he did as much as what was expected to do if people don't follow the rules which happened then it's their own doing don't claim the best Pres in the world.No matter what your faced with and going through now if you believe all things will work together for your good they will! Decree: Only good can come out of this! 

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