I think they were way to patient and had. The case I was referring to was one of my friends who got arrested was specifically pointing out that people can be arrested even if they didn't do anythingKimberly Jones that’s the story you tell yourself. I don’t blame you because you are told that growing up. Police are bad, police are racist, they are killing us what if that was all wrong? What if the race isn’t a driving factor? Because the data sure shows that belief isn’t reality. He had several chances to stop what he was doing and chose not to. What about justice to those that fell victim to him? He’s a known criminal! Where is their justice? Kyle Rittenhouse could have stayed home instead of at 17, he crossed state lines w a long gun, which makes every action he took thereafter a crime no, crossing state lines with a rifle is not a crime. And the other "protesters" who were armed could have stayed home too. And not brought pistols.
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