Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 7, 2022

I can be mean af sweet as candy cold as ice evil as hell or loyal like a soldier it all depends on you shirt

  We may not have met, but all of the UK knew you, and respected you. God Bless Sir.. You are now at peace. And what a beautiful day it was too for him. The chap at the end...was he really playing the instrument because his fingers didn't move once to change keys, I was actually thinking, how nervous I'd be to play and not get it wrong on such an important day. Then realised it looked like he wasn't actually playing perhaps it was for that very reason or maybe he was playing. I have no idea. Either way it was all very lovely. What a wonderful world it would be if we had more Captain Sir Tom Moores', you were an inspiration to all of us, generous, kind, funny and all that you did for NHS, what a legacy you have left, your family are so proud of you. I think the next generation are going to follow in your FOOTSTEPS after seeing posts of young children doing the same as you did, young children with disabilities wanting to do the same as you to.

Buy it here: I can be mean af sweet as candy cold as ice evil as hell or loyal like a soldier it all depends on you shirt

I can be mean af sweet as candy cold as ice evil as hell or loyal like a soldier it all depends on you s Sweater

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