Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 10, 2020

I’m a simple woman Harry Potter coffee and paw shirt

 I almost developed a drinking problem having to console my union buddies that were constantly laid off during the Obama years, but “you be you”. Just go find another shoulder to cry on next year! I feel the same way keep getting calls from my union to vote Democrat. Told them straight up, I am not going to vote for Mr. MaGoo Biden, that man has mental issues! In my whole life, I have not seen anybody like this successful manager I wonder how it happened it was just like magic my dear who told you not to do this that means that person does not want your success to click on the link below and tell him to teach you I doubt the leaders that put that sign up are supported by the members. Remember Jimmy Hoffa's Teamsters Union which were reported to be very, very corrupt and cavorting with evil, corrupt political leaders? exactly.

Buy it here: I’m a simple woman Harry Potter coffee and paw shirt
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