And by the way, you have your own version of tin foil hats now which is your masks and visors, I know which I prefer. oh dear, really! I shall give you the vaccine intended for me to you. One for each arm, roll 'em up, lad. Tell that to the 45000 dead people in this country alone. If it's bull why is every single country in the world locking down? How TF does it benefit them. Tony KunThe nonsense spewing from the original post isn’t worthy of a thoughtful reply. In fact, neither are you.45000 dead from COVID? Absolutely no proof whatsoever that they died from it, why don't we get autopsy for them, oh wait they are not doing them, how convenient Unhinged at least I can think for myself, and not just blindly believe what the BBC tells me. There's always that possibility. It's a corona type virus just like the common cold. Only far more dangerous. Maybe we can build up a tolerance for it. Could take a generation tho.
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