Followed by his Honey Pot and enabling family members but it’s not a public street it’s inside of an HOA. HOA streets are private, which means if you don’t live there then you are trespassing. These are the Republican heroes? Sad, very sad such a grand old party had fallen so low. Trump keeps saying he knows nothing about all the criminals already indicted, convicted, or plead guilty that were crucial to his election team. As if they are anomalies. Now these criminals. Trump loves the criminal element. They are kindred spirits. Are guns allowed at his hate rally? Lol. Of course not. Why? Because nut cases like these two are likely to shoot someone. And then someone would shoot at them, and so on, and the cops wouldn’t know who to shoot so they’d just start shooting anyone with a gun. They should allow guns in the rally! Wow-what a joke will any other criminals be there? Will this be held inside a prison? So all the Republicans can attend.
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