The reality is the country was built by immigrants I tell you what there Fluffy. You get an opinion when you actually have to shave more than once a month. Yea. It's gonna be a while. Go clean your room. This thread shows what happens when we let anyone in no law, and we're racists because we have the law. nothing wrong about arresting two criminals! These two wanted change alright but not the way America wants! no it’s amazing to me how uneducated you are, all socialist countries started the same way anarchist, take guns, get ridiculous of police, offer free things to the stupid idiots then take the country it is amazing how stupid people on the left have become it’s comical that you think your little rogue club of snowflakes are accomplishing anything other than putting yourselves on the map to be detained for terrorism. Maria Hernandez, who is racist and more importantly what makes them racist? Wanting people to obey the laws and ever our country legally does NOT equate racism are you an illegal?
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